Argus Biofuels & Feedstocks Latin America Conference
Supporting partner
Founded in 1981, ABIOVE, the Brazilian Association of Vegetable Oil Industries, represents the interest of 20 companies producing meal, vegetable oils, and biodiesel; cooperates in the implementation of sector policies, promotes sustainability programmes, generates statistics used in sectoral studies that supports sectoral strategies, and promotes Brazilian products abroad.
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Media partners
CIOReview is one of the leading print magazines in the US. It is the knowledge platform where C-suite executives deliberate on critical market challenges and current technological trends across industries. We are a unique magazine because all of our contributors are senior executives from the industry.
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Worldoils is a company that combines the power of marketing as well as the in-house expertise for the Oil, Gas, Offshore and the Maritime industries. Worldoils' web portal www.worldoils.com has become a truly central platform for visitors who need information regarding oil and gas products and services, research, training, conferences, news and events as well as a popular advertising base for providers of Oil, Gas, Marine and Offshore services. Worldoils has also launched the jobs system and a marketplace. In the recent months, Worldoils has strengthened its position as a fast developing central place for buying and selling of land rigs, offshore rigs, barge rigs and other oilfield and subsea equipment.
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