Argus Oil Products 2025. Caspian and Central Asia MarketsArgus Oil Products 2025. Caspian and Central Asia Markets

Argus Oil Products 2025. Caspian and Central Asia Markets

Dubai, UAE
20-21 February 2025
View Pricing
119days remaining

Argus invites you to take part in Argus Oil Products 2025. Caspian and Central Asia Markets, an international conference in Dubai, UAE from 20-21 February.

This popular event has sold out for the past two years - do not miss a program of exclusive insights and enhanced networking events with peers across the entire value chain.

Register your place now to save $650 with the super early bird rate.

Register Agenda 2024 participants list

Key topics of discussion for 2025:

  • New era of global crude and oil products markets. Changes in global flows
  • Overview of macroeconomic conditions and industry trends in the global crude and oil products market
  • The current state of crude processing in the Caspian, central Asian and Asia-Pacific region 
  • Changes to the European sour crude markets and the prospects of KEBCO grade
  • Freight market: Longer routes for crude and oil products transportation, impact on transportation costs, changes in the insurance market
  • New oil refineries in the Caspian and central Asia (new routes for Russian crude)
  • Middle East markets: Challenges and opportunities
  • Transport and transit opportunities in the Caspian region and central Asia
  • Recent trends and prospects for the of the supplies of crude and oil products in Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan
  • Transfer pricing aspects of cross-border arrangements in the central Asia region

Don't miss your chance to attend the region's premier oil products event. Register today and get the best possible rate.



Socar Trading

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Everest Energy
Midas Oil Trading

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R Group Holding