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Enchentes no RS: 3tentos diminui perspectiva para soja

  • Market: Agriculture, Biofuels, Fertilizers
  • 09/05/24

A empresa de agronegócio 3tentos reduziu suas perspectivas da safra de soja para esta temporada devido às enchentes que assolam o Rio Grande do Sul.

Parte importante das operações da 3tentos está sediada no estado, segundo maior produtor de soja do país, que enfrenta fortes chuvas desde 29 de abril. As enchentes já mataram 107 pessoas, segundo a Defesa Civil.

Como resultado, a safra de soja do Rio Grande do Sul pode cair para 20 milhões t-21 milhões de t, ante 23 milhões t-24 milhões de t previstas anteriormente, de acordo com o presidente da 3tentos, Luis Osório Dumoncel. Pelo menos 80pc da soja colhida este ano está armazenada em armazéns ou portos.

"Temos trabalhado incansavelmente para manter todas as operações de fornecimento de insumos, grãos, rações e biocombustíveis", disse o executivo durante teleconferência de resultados trimestrais.

A companhia vê um "pequeno risco" para suas cadeias de oferta de pesticidas, sementes e fertilizantes, devido às inundações. Do lado logístico, rotas alternativas de exportação também têm sido utilizadas para escoar produtos como o farelo de soja, explicou o diretor operacional João Marcelo Dumoncel.

Resultados do 1º tri

As vendas da 3tentos no primeiro trimestre atingiram R$2,68 bilhões, alta de 48,5pc em relação ao mesmo período do ano anterior, impulsionadas pelos segmentos de indústria, biodiesel e farelo de soja.

O segmento industrial, o maior da empresa, foi responsável por R$1,52 bilhão em vendas, subindo 69pc na base anual.

As receitas de farelo de soja e outros produtos totalizaram R$927,6 milhões, 72pc acima do primeiro trimestre de 2023. As vendas de biodiesel aumentaram 64pc, para R$591 milhões, graças à elevação do mandato de mistura do biocombustível de 12pc para 14pc desde março.

"Temos certeza de que a operação de biodiesel ajudará na margem da empresa neste ano", contou Dumoncel. As margens de esmagamento de soja da empresa cresceram 3,3pc no trimestre, fixando-se em R$ 442/t, fortelecidas pela produção de biodiesel.

As vendas de grãos da 3tentos avançaram quase 27pc, para R$560 milhões. As receitas no segmento de matérias-primas agrícolas — como fertilizantes, pesticidas e sementes — alcançaram R$601 milhões no primeiro trimestre, salto de 35pc na variação anual.

No período, a receita da companhia totalizou R$156,44 milhões, aumento de 51pc.

A 3tentos também iniciou a construção de sua primeira unidade de moagem de milho para produção de etanol e grãos secos de destilaria (DDG, na sigla em inglês). A empresa concluiu esta semana a emissão de títulos de dívida no valor de R$560,73 milhões.


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California governor eyes carbon market extension


California governor eyes carbon market extension

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Sao Paulo, 10 January (Argus) — Brazil's headline inflation decelerated to 4.83pc at the end of 2024, as declines in power costs were only partially offset by gains in fuel and food, according to government statistics agency IBGE. The consumer price index (CPI) slowed from 4.87pc in November and compared with 4.76pc in October. The year-end print compared with 4.62pc in December 2023, but was down from 5.79pc in December 2022. Food and beverage costs rose by an annual 7.69pc in December, accounting for much of the monthly increase, following a 7.63pc annual gain in November. Beef costs increased by an annual 20.84pc in December following a 15.43pc annual gain for the prior month. Higher beef costs in the domestic market are related to the Brazilian's real depreciation to the US dollar, with the Brazilian real depreciating by 27.4pc to the US dollar between 31 December 2023 and the same date in 2024 . Still, beef prices decelerated by 5.26pc in December alone, down from 8pc in November. Soybean oil rose by 29.21pc over the year, an increase of 1.64 percentage points from November. Fuel prices rose by an annual 10.09pc in December after an 8.78pc gain in November. Motor fuel costs grew by 0.7pc in December, compared with a 0.15pc drop in the prior month, thanks to higher gasoline prices. Diesel prices increased by 0.66pc in the 12-month period, while it decreased by 2.25pc in November. Gasoline prices — the major individual contributor to the annual high, according to IBGE — rose by 9.71pc in December from 9.12pc in the prior month. Still, that was lower than in December 2023, when the annual inflation for gasoline stood at 11pc. Power costs in December contracted by an annual 0.37pc in December, as improvements in power generation allowed for removal of a surcharge from customer bills, after a gain of 3.46pc the prior month. In November, Brazil faced lower river levels at its hydroelectric plants after a period of severe droughts . Brazil's central bank is targeting CPI of 3pc with a margin of 1.5 percentage point above or below. Brazil's central bank in December raised its target rate to 12.25pc from 11.25pc as the real's depreciation accelerated. It also signaled it is likely to increase the rate to 14.25pc by March. Monthly inflation accelerated to 0.52pc in December from 0.39pc in November. But the rate was lower than in December 2023, when it stood at 0.56pc. By Maria Frazatto Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2025. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.


Mercosur-EU deal to open Brazil ethanol flows


Mercosur-EU deal to open Brazil ethanol flows

Sao Paulo, 10 January (Argus) — A freshly inked EU-Mercosur trade agreement marks an important opportunity for Brazil's burgeoning ethanol market, but will likely not significantly impact the country's well established sugar trade. Announced in December, the landmark pact provides for the gradual exemption of tariffs on most exports from the four participating Mercosur countries to the 27 European countries that make up the EU. Goods considered sensitive, including sugar and ethanol, will be subject to a quota system with more limited benefits. Export quotas for specific products from each of the participating South American countries — founding members Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay — will be defined after the ratification of the agreement. For industrial ethanol originating in Mercosur and shipped to the EU, the agreement provides a maximum quota of 570,300 m³/yr (9,845 b/d), with tariffs gradually reduced to zero over the years. Non-industrial ethanol will have a quota of 253,400m³/yr, subject to a reduced tariff of €34-64/m³ ($34.82-65.55/m³), a third of current rates. The EU tariff on imported ethanol today ranges from €102/m³ for the denatured product — which includes chemical additives that make it unfit for consumption — to €192/m³ for the undenatured product. Quotas provided for in the agreement are more than enough to cover volumes Brazil exports to the EU. The South American country shipped 140,700 m³ of ethanol to countries in the European bloc in 2024, around 7pc of the 1.9mn m³ it exported in the year, according to trade ministry data. The terms of the agreement have caught the attention of market participants, who see an opportunity to revive trade flows to Europe, especially for industrial ethanol. EU countries soaked up around 30pc of Brazil's ethanol exports in 2022, but outflows have dropped significantly since. At the time, Brazil's ethanol gained a competitive edge during a period of rising energy prices in Europe amid the start of the Ukraine-Russia conflict and the aftershocks of the Covid-19 pandemic. The announcement of the agreement has put the EU back on the radar of Brazilian traders who stopped selling ethanol to Europe or those who are yet to enter the market. Slight impact for sugar The agreement is set to have less of an impact on Brazilian sugar exports, considering the approved quota and the volume normally exported to the EU. Mercosur will have a quota to send 180,000 metric tonnes (t)/yr of sugar to the European bloc with zero tariffs, while the excess volumes of raw sugar will face the current customs duty of €98/t. The tariff-free volume represents a small portion of the total sweetener normally shipped to the European bloc. Brazil's center-south — which includes the main producing states — alone exported 540,000t of sugar to the EU in January-November 2024, according to sugar and ethanol industry association Unica. Raw sugar accounted for around 87pc of that total. Shipments in 2024 were still below the 804,000 t/yr five-year average for Brazilian sugar exports to the EU. If volumes in the coming years remain close to historical levels, less than 25pc of the annual volume shipped from Brazil will benefit from the new import duties. The EU is expected to import 2.4mn t of sugar in the 2024-25 crop, which extends from October 2024 to September 2025. The volume makes the bloc the third largest importer in the world, only behind Indonesia and China, according to US Department of Agriculture data. The volume approved in the agreement with Mercosur would represent less than 5pc of the imports expected by the EU, which limits the potential competitiveness of Brazilian sugar in the European market. Negotiations on terms of the Mercosur-EU agreement have been concluded, but the pact will only enter into force after final signing and subsequent ratification. By Maria Lígia Barros and Maria Albuquerque Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2025. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.


Submissions in under EABC’s DAP buy-tender: Update


Submissions in under EABC’s DAP buy-tender: Update

Updates ETG's offer for lot 6 and details on Bio Green's offer for lot 6 London, 9 January (Argus) — Six trading firms submitted prices ranging from $600-639/t fob in response to Ethiopian Agricultural Businesses (EABC)'s counterbids under its 23 December tender to buy DAP. ETG, Samsung, Montage Oil, Promising International, Bio Green and Aditya Birla offered nine DAP cargoes from Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Russia and Egypt. The cargoes will likely be 50,000-60,000t. EABC has not awarded any of these latest offers yet. Argus understands that Bio Green offered Kazakh DAP, but its offer has been cancelled. EABC had initially received offers for 13 DAP cargoes from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and China at prices ranging $639-705/t fob under the tender. It then countered , requesting revised offers at $639/t fob or below. The importer awarded lot 4 — laycan 9-15 February — to trading firm Midgulf International at $639/t fob, quoted as Jordanian product. But supplier backing for this cargo has yet to be confirmed. By Tom Hampson Submissions to EABC 23 December DAP buy tender Lot number Offering party Origin Loading port Laycan Price 1 ETG Saudi Arabia Ras Al-Khair 16-22/1/2025 $639/t fob 2 Samsung Jordan Aqaba 25-30/1/2025 $638.75/t fob 2 Montage Oil Russia Ust-Luga 25-30/1/2025 $630/t fob 5 Montage Oil Russia Ust-Luga 10-15/2/2025 $630/t fob 5 Promising International Egypt Adabiya 10-15/2/2025 $639/t fob 6 Promising International Egypt Adabiya 21-25/2/2025 $639/t fob 6 Bio Green Kazakhstan Jebel Ali 21-25/2/2025 $600/t fob 6 Aditya Birla Jordan Aqaba 21-25/2/2025 $639/t fob TBC ETG Saudi Arabia Ras Al-Khair March $639/t fob Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2025. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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