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Lula assina pacote para incentivar energia verde

  • Market: Agriculture, Biofuels, Crude oil, E-fuels, Emissions, Oil products
  • 14/09/23

O presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva assinou, nesta quinta-feira (14), a mensagem de envio dos termos do projeto de lei (PL) Combustível do Futuro, em uma tentativa de acelerar a transição energética e substituir gradualmente os combustíveis fósseis.

O projeto, que foi lançado em cerimônia no Palácio do Planalto, em Brasília, ainda depende de aprovação do Congresso Nacional para se tornar lei.

Se aprovado, o Brasil adotará formalmente normativas estabelecendo metas para o uso sustentável de combustível de aviação (SAF, na sigla em inglês) e diesel verde para apoiar seu compromisso de carbono zero até 2050.

O tão discutido aumento da mistura de anidro na gasolina de 27,5pc para 30pc também foi incluído na proposta.

"O Brasil poderia se tornar tão ou mais importante para os combustíveis renováveis quanto o Oriente Médio é para o petróleo", disse Lula, repetindo declarações semelhantes que fez durante oboom de biocombustíveis do país na década de 2000. Abrir caminho para um futuro energético mais limpo é uma grande parte da sua agenda internacional, disse ele.

Lula também aludiu a reuniões oficiais com empresas do setor nos Estados Unidos, na próxima semana, e na Alemanha, ainda neste ano, para discutir assuntos relacionados aos combustíveis renováveis.

O ministro de Minas e Energia, Alexandre Silveira, disse que a iniciativa é resultado direto dos esforços do governo para a transição energética global. "O Brasil será provedor de soluções de baixo carbono para outras nações", disse ele.

Palestrantes na Cúpula do Clima no Brasil, em Nova York, esta semana, pediram um plano de eliminação progressiva dos combustíveis fósseis para que o país pudesse se posicionar como um pioneiro na implementação de políticas climáticas.

O que pode mudar?

Algumas das mudanças propostas são:

  • Captura e armazenamento de carbono (CCS, na sigla em inglês): propõe um marco regulatório para o exercício das atividades de captura e estocagem geológica de dióxido de carbono, cuja regulação será atribuída à Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis (ANP).
  • Diesel verde: cria o Programa Nacional do Diesel Verde (PNDV) para incorporação gradativa do diesel verde à matriz de combustíveis do país, com um mandato ainda a ser definido pelo Conselho Nacional de Política Energética (CNPE).
  • E-fuels: estabelece meios legais que incentivem a produção dos chamados e-fuels, alternativas sintéticas aos combustíveis fósseis feitos a partir de hidrogênio e CO2.
  • Mistura de anidro na gasolina: aumenta a mistura máxima de etanol anidro na gasolina de 27,5pc para 30pc.
  • SAF: estabelece metas de emissões para as companhias aéreas, incentivando o aumento do uso de SAF, visando alcançar uma redução de 1pc nas emissões para as companhias aéreas até 2027 e 10pc até 2037.

Possíveis repercussões para o etanol

O pacote deve oferecer algum alívio à indústria do etanol, que tem encontrado dificuldades para defender suas margens em meio a uma maior oferta de produto e um mercado consumidor em contração.

Um eventual aumento da mistura de anidro na gasolina, de 27,5pc para 30pc, poderia ajudar a elevar a demanda por etanol no mercado interno, avalia a BP Bunge, citando um aumento potencial de 80.000 m³/mês na comercialização.

A mudança também poderia aumentar a octanagem da gasolina e potencialmente alterar as operações das refinarias brasileiras de combustíveis fósseis.

Nos termos do projeto, a via de conversão da tecnologia alcohol-to-jet (AtJ, na sigla em inglês) surge como o caminho mais viável para aumentar o uso de SAF no país.

Mandato de biodiesel

O setor de biodiesel ficou fora do PL.

A Frente Parlamentar Mista do Biodiesel (FPBio), liderada pelo deputado federal Alceu Moreira (MDB-RS), tem uma proposta para aumentar o mandato de mistura do biodiesel dos atuais 12pc para 13-14pc, disseram fontes à


Durante a cerimônia, Lula sugeriu que o Conselho Nacional de Política Energética (CNPE) se reúna para discutir o aumento do mandato, mas a data ainda não foi definida.

"Se depender de mim, reabriremos todas as usinas de biodiesel fechadas [nos últimos anos]", afirmou o presidente.

Erasmo Battistella, presidente da Be8, também defendeu o aumento da mescla em discurso no evento, argumentando que o Brasil deveria trabalhar para elevar o mandato a 15pc em 2024.

"A Embrapa [Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária] tem 19 variedades de oleaginosas mapeadas que podem ser usadas na produção de biodiesel", disse Battistella, sobre a disponibilidade de insumos.

Além disso, Heloisa Borges Esteves, diretora de petróleo, gás e biocombustíveis na Empresa de Pesquisa Energética (EPE), afirmou que as novas regulamentações para o setor de hidrogênio estão "caminhando em ritmo acelerado".


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Trump imposes new tariffs on steel, aluminum

Trump imposes new tariffs on steel, aluminum

Washington, 10 February (Argus) — US president Donald Trump today imposed a 25pc tariff on all US imports of steel and aluminum, although he said he would consider making an exemption for imports from Australia. In remarks to reporters at the White House Trump complained that many of the steel and aluminum tariffs he imposed since 2018 have been moderated or reduced for some countries. Currently Australia and Canada can export any steel and aluminum they want to into the US without tariffs, while Mexico can export steel melted and poured in the US-Mexico-Canada (USMCA) agreement region into the US without tariffs, while any material with an origin outside of USMCA is subject to 25pc tariffs. "Our nation requires steel and aluminum to be made in America, not in foreign lands," Trump said. "It's 25pc without exceptions, and that's all countries, no matter where it comes from, all countries." But Trump, prompted by reporters, confirmed that he may make an exemption for Australian-sourced steel, after Canberra threatened to take reciprocal measures. "We have a surplus with Australia, one of the few," Trump said, referring to an overall trade surplus the US runs with Australia. "And the reason is they buy a lot of airplanes." Trump said he spoke with Australian prime minister Anthony Albanese earlier today. "I told him that [steel tariff exemptions] is something that we will give great consideration." A similar exemption for the UK is unlikely since the US already is running a trade deficit with that country, Trump said. Trump contended that his initial volley of tariffs in 2018 led to the creation of hundreds of thousands of jobs in the US and boosted economic growth. A 2019 study from the Federal Reserve Board that was updated in 2024 estimates that taking into account retaliatory tariffs, there was a net decrease in US jobs and economic growth from the tariffs. US oil and gas midstream companies were among the industries hit by the 2018 tariffs, which led to higher costs for pipeline steel. Most steel imports from non-tariffed US steel imports are heavily reliant on the countries that are currently not subject to US tariffs, with their volumes making up 80pc of the 26.2mn metric tonnes (t) of steel products imported in 2024, according to US Department of Commerce data. Steel tariff rate quota (TRQ) systems are in place for Argentina, Brazil, the EU, Japan, South Korea and the UK for steel products, with specifics dependent on the country. The CME Midwest hot-rolled coil (HRC) futures market jumped today, after Trump said on Sunday he would impose new tariffs, by $51/short ton (st) for March to $856/st, while April increased by $48/st to $858/st. Steel costs would rise by $6.38bn based on the $25.5bn value of 2024 steel imports from those nontariffed countries, if volumes remained the same. Those higher costs would lead to more US steel mill price increases, with one buyer expecting another round of price increases coming soon from US steelmakers. Steelmaker Nucor has increased its published hot-rolled coil (HRC) spot price by $40/short ton (st) in the last three weeks to $790/st. Other steelmakers like ArcelorMittal USA, Cleveland-Cliffs, and US Steel are at $800/st offers for their spot HRC. Canada key aluminum supplier In the aluminum market, the US imported over 6mn t of products in 2024, according to customs data. Canadian aluminum exporters currently have no restrictions on their volumes into the US. They shipped the highest volumes into the US and are responsible for an even larger share of primary aluminum imports. Current US primary aluminum smelting capacity, excluding idled operations, is around 795,000t/yr, which equaled less than one-third of Canadian imports and one-fifth of total imports. There are multiple idled primary aluminum facilities and a greenfield plant currently under construction, but observers and company representatives challenged the feasibility of idled plant restarts in the past. TRQ systems exist for US aluminum imports from Argentina, the EU, and the UK. By Haik Gugarats Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2025. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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Most nations miss NDC deadline, while ambition varies


Most nations miss NDC deadline, while ambition varies

London, 10 February (Argus) — The majority of countries that are party to the Paris climate agreement have missed the deadline to submit new national climate plans, while research group Climate Action Tracker (CAT) found that several are not aligned with Paris accord goals. Just 12 countries had submitted new climate plans, known as nationally determined contributions (NDCs), by time of writing today — the UAE, Brazil, the US, Uruguay, Switzerland, the UK, New Zealand, Andorra, Saint Lucia, Ecuador, Singapore and the Marshall Islands. UN climate body the UNFCCC had set 10 February as the deadline for countries to submit their third NDCs, setting out climate action and targets up to 2035. CAT said that of the six NDCs it analysed, just the UK's was aligned with the Paris agreement. The UK plan is "about the only bright spot" among the countries it tracks, CAT noted. But it warned that the UK government "has inherited a vast implementation gap" and must take "urgent action" to introduce and strengthen policies to ensure emissions reduction targets are reached. The UK aims to cut emissions by 81pc by 2035, from a 1990 baseline. The country should support its goals with more international climate finance to be "a fully 1.5°C aligned contribution", CAT said. The Paris agreement seeks to limit the rise in global temperature to "well below" 2°C above pre-industrial levels, and preferably to 1.5°C. CAT noted "a significantly more ambitious" target for 2035 from the UAE , compared with its 2030 goal, but flagged the need for details on the country's planned emissions cuts. It noted a "lack of transparency" in Brazil's NDC and found that, despite an increase in ambition, New Zealand's 2035 NDC "falls short". Switzerland's new NDC "is diverging from a 1.5°C aligned pathway", CAT said. And it said that while the US is leaving the Paris agreement, the country"s NDC "can still be a guiding document for the roughly half of the US states who support continued climate action." But many climate policy observers have emphasised that higher ambition and comprehensive plans are far more important than timeliness. The EU, Canada, Mexico and Norway committed to new, Paris-consistent NDCs at the UN Cop 29 climate summit in November. Climate Action Tracker tracks around 40 countries and the EU, covering around 85pc of global emissions and 70pc of global population. The Paris agreement has a ratchet mechanism, which requires countries to review and revise climate plans every five years, increasing ambition. The UNFCCC deadline for NDC submissions is not enforceable. By Georgia Gratton Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2025. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.


Nigeria Dangote targets full capacity within a month


Nigeria Dangote targets full capacity within a month

London, 10 February (Argus) — Nigeria's privately-owned 650,000 b/d Dangote refinery could reach maximum operating capacity within a month, according to sources with knowledge of the matter who said the plant touched 85pc of nameplate capacity at the end of January. The stated goal appears ambitious, with data from Kpler and Vortexa showing Dangote ran at an implied range of 395,000-430,000 b/d to date this month, which is between 61-66pc of capacity. The implied range was 350,000-400,000 b/d in January, or 54-62pc operating capacity. Argus pegged Dangote's crude receipts at 405,000 b/d in January, a record. Dangote runs may be boosted by upstream regulator NUPRC's decision in early February to ensure Nigeria's crude is supplied to meet domestic refinery demand, before it issues crude export permits. Routine maintenance at state-owned NNPC's 125,000 b/d Warri refinery could have made more domestic crude available for Dangote use. Crude allocations to Warri were cancelled and offered out to the wider market last week, according to a market participant. But this would have been a short-term measure, with a source saying the work at Warri was completed as of 9 February, and around 1.15mn bl of crude are scheduled to be pumped to the plant. Downstream regulator NMDPRA projected that Dangote will require 550,000 b/d of Nigerian crude grades for the period January–June 2025, while NNPC's 210,000 b/d Port Harcourt and 125,000 b/d Warri plants will require 60,000 b/d and 75,000 b/d, respectively. Nigeria produced 1.51mn b/d of crude in January, according to Argus' estimate. Warri restarted at the end of 2024, having been offline since 2019. Diesel loadings from the refinery have averaged eight trucks per day, sources said last week, with sufficient supply available to sustain ongoing truck load-out operations. Warri has not started producing gasoline, according to sources. By George Maher-Bonnett, Adebiyi Olusolape and Sanjana Shivdas Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2025. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.


US rescinds UN climate fund pledges


US rescinds UN climate fund pledges

Washington, 10 February (Argus) — The US has canceled about $4bn in pledged money to the UN's Green Climate Fund, the latest sign a sharp policy shift under President Donald Trump. The State Department late last week said the US "has rescinded outstanding pledges to the Green Climate Fund," but did not provide any further details. The US under former presidents Joe Biden and Barack Obama had pledged about $6bn combined to the GCF, with the most recent commitment announced at the Cop 28 climate talks in Dubai. But the two administrations were able to deliver only $2bn of the funding. The cancellation of the GCF pledges is just the latest step by Trump to quickly reverse course for US climate and clean energy policies. Among his first acts after taking office last month Trump ordered the US to exit the Paris climate agreement and to pause spending on renewable energy projects. In addition, secretary of state Marco Rubio said the US would stop engaging in climate diplomacy. The GCF finances projects in developing and emerging countries with a focus on mitigation, adaptation and resilience efforts, such as climate-friendly agricultural methods, reforestation or coastal protection. It operates under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and was originally capitalized with $10.3bn in 2015. In two replenishment rounds since then, it has gathered more than $20bn in additional pledges. The fund has to date approved nearly $16bn for project in more than 130 countries and expects to approve another $3bn-worth this year. The fund said it "remains determined" to help developing countries achieve the highest level of ambition possible. "If pledges are not fully realized, our ability to support the climate ambitions of developing countries will be constrained," the GCF said. Finance for developing countries has been a major issue at UN climate talks. At last year's Cop 29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, countries agreed to a "new collective quantified goal" of "at least" $300bn/yr for developing countries by 2035, with developing countries "taking the lead." The goal is meant to build on the $100bn/yr that developed countries agreed to deliver over 2020-25. The finance will come from "a wide variety of sources, public and private, bilateral and multilateral, including alternative sources". By Michael Ball Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2025. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.


Mexico inflation slows to 4-year low in January


Mexico inflation slows to 4-year low in January

Mexico City, 10 February (Argus) — Mexico's consumer price index (CPI) eased to an annual 3.59pc January, the lowest in four years, as deceleration in agriculture prices offset faster inflation in energy and consumer goods prices. This marks the lowest annual inflation since January 2021 and a significant slowdown from July's annual peak of 5.57pc, which was driven by weather-impacted food prices. The result, reported by statistics agency Inegi on 7 January, was slightly below than the 3.63pc median estimate from 35 analysts polled in Citi Research's 5 February survey. It compares with the 4.21pc headline inflation in December, marking five months of declines in the past six months. Mexican core inflation, which excluded volatile energy and food, sped slightly to 3.66pc in January from 3.65pc in December, while non-core inflation decelerated to 3.34pc from 5.95pc the previous month. Movement, in the non-core, said Banorte, was mostly explained by a positive basis of comparison, and "will reverse as soon as the second half of February to push the headline metric above 4pc," said Banorte. Core inflation accelerated slightly to 3.66pc in January from 3.65pc in December, marking the second uptick after 22 consecutive months of deceleration. Services inflation slowed to 4.69pc from 4.94pc, while consumer goods inflation ticked up to 2.74 from 2.4pc. Non-core inflation slowed sharply to 3.34pc from 6.57pc in December. This was largely due to base effects, Banorte said, adding these base effects are likely to fade this month to speed headline annual inflation back above 4pc. The base effects most clearly impacted fruit and vegetable price inflation, contracting 7.73pc in January from 6.65pc annual inflation the previous month. Moving forward, agriculture prices are highly exposed to the coming hot, dry season in Mexico, with the La Nina climate phenomenon, adding a layer of uncertainty. Meanwhile, energy inflation accelerated to 6.34pc in January from 5.73pc the previous month, driven by higher LPG prices. Electricity inflation, meanwhile, sped to 4.32pc in January from 2.65pc in December, while inflation slowed to 0.02pc in January for domestic natural gas prices from 5.67pc in December. Monetary policy The January inflation report followed the central bank's decision Thursday to reduce its target interest rate to 9.50pc from 10pc. This was the bank's sixth rate cut since March 2024, winding down from 11.25pc. The 4-1 decision marked an acceleration in the current rate cycle, opting for a half-point reduction rather than the previous five 25-basis-point cuts. In board comments with the announcement, the bank cited "significant progress in resolving the inflationary episode derived from the global shocks" in 2021 and 2022. These triggered rate hikes from 4pc in June 2021 to 11.25pc in April 2022, the target rate's historic high. Taking into account the "country's weak economic activity" and this progress in reducing inflation, the board said it would "consider adjusting [the target] by similar magnitudes" at upcoming meetings. By James Young Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2025. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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