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Produtores de etanol reagem a novas medidas da UE

  • Market: Biofuels
  • 22/09/23

Participantes do mercado brasileiro de combustíveis demonstraram surpresa com as novas medidas de monitoramento da União Europeia (UE) sobre as importações de etanol no bloco, mas não esperam que a situação evolua para uma barreira comercial.

Na semana passada, a Comissão Europeia anunciou a implementação de medidas de vigilância retroativas sobre as importações de etanol de vários países, incluindo o Brasil e os Estados Unidos.

As medidas não restringirão as importações, mas proporcionarão um monitoramento rápido e mitigarão potenciais danos futuros aos produtores da UE, segundo o documento. Será exigido dos países-membros que partilhem dados de importação com a comissão.

Produtores brasileiros consultados pela Argus não estavam dispostos a falar abertamente sobre o anúncio da Comissão Europeia, considerando "muito cedo" para definir uma posição formal sobre as ramificações para produtores e clientes de etanol em ambos os lados do Atlântico.

Todos concordam que as exportações brasileiras não enfrentarão grandes obstáculos.

"A Europa é um importador massivo de etanol. Essas cargas são essenciais para compensar a escassez de oferta local", disse um membro da indústria à Argus.

As fontes argumentam que a história recente das várias medidas anunciadas pela UE para monitorar o setor- incluindo uma semelhante em 2020, solicitada pela França em nome da indústria do etanol - não resultou em repercussões significativas. "Me parece apenas um instrumento de pressão para atender o lobby dos países produtores de etanol, mas precisamos ficar de olho nisso de todo modo."

Consultados pela Argus, o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria, Comércio e Serviços (MDIC) e a Secretaria de Comércio Exterior (Secex) disseram que acompanham com atenção os movimentos do bloco e buscarão os melhores caminhos para "para superar eventuais dificuldades às exportações brasileiras, caso isso ocorra."

O ministério também destacou que os fluxos brasileiros para a UE cresceram nos últimos anos, mas se estabilizaram um pouco entre janeiro-agosto de 2023, com quedas tanto em valores, de $243 bilhões para $213 bilhões, no último período, quanto em volume, de 316.000m³ para 304.000m³, em relação ao mesmo período de 2022.

O Ministério das Relações Exteriores do Brasil também está monitorando a situação, disseram fontes com conhecimento do assunto.

Perspectiva de mercado incerta

Os volumes que saem do Brasil em direção à Europa registaram baixa ao longo de 2022, em um contexto complexo de arbitragem transatlântica mais atrativa, de mudanças nos fundamentos do mercado e do papel importante do etanol na redução das emissões de gases de efeito estufa (GEE) provenientes dos transportes na UE.

O conturbado cenário geopolítico no continente resultou em uma disparada nos preços da gasolina e um aumento na competitividade do etanol no mercado europeu, com crescimento da venda de mesclas como o E10 e E85.

O maior interesse pelo etanol no mercado europeu também reflete a adoção de mesclas mais elevadas de etanol na gasolina em alguns países.

Grande parte dessa necessidade tem sido atendida por um fluxo mais robusto de exportações do Brasil, em um momento em que a demanda por etanol permanece retraída no mercado interno.

Ainda não se sabe se esta tendência se solidificará em um fluxo de exportação resiliente, mas há uma oportunidade estratégica para o setor brasileiro de etanol se posicionar como um fornecedor importante no mercado da UE.

"Depois de alguns anos de ausência, o Brasil busca, mais uma vez, um papel maior no cenário mundial, o que cria esperança para essa longevidade, mesmo com o protecionismo europeu", explicou a fonte da indústria.

Produtores europeus em alerta

Na UE, produtores receberam de forma positiva a medida de vigilância, com a Associação Europeia de Etanol Renovável (ePure, na sigla em inglês) descrevendo a decisão como "notícias tranquilizadoras" para o setor.

"A indústria de etanol renovável da UE está pronta para agir para evitar mais prejuízos, visando preservar o setor e os empregos", disse o diretor-geral da ePure, David Carpinteiro, acrescentando que a medida mira quaisquer desenvolvimentos comerciais que possam surgir da concorrência desleal.

A medida vem na esteira de um aumento nas importações de etanol para a UE, desde o início da década. As importações de etanol para todos os fins aumentaram quase 80pc, entre 2021 e 2022, enquanto as importações de etanol combustível subiram 45pc, em 2022, em comparação ao ano anterior, com base em dados alfandegários do bloco.

Os EUA, o Brasil e o Peru foram os principais fornecedores do biocombustível ao grupo no período. A Comissão Europeia observou que o mercado da UE atrai outros países exportadores devido aos seus preços elevados, 15pc superiores aos preços de importação do Brasil e dos EUA.

Produtores europeus contatados pela Argus não se mostraram dispostos a falar publicamente sobre as medidas, mas o sentimento foi, em geral, positivo entre os participantes.

A indústria europeia do etanol foi abalada pelo crescimento dos custos de energia, o que levou a um longo período de margens de produção negativas, uma vez que o gás natural é um custo de produção fundamental para os produtores regionais. O suprimento de grãos também se tornou cada vez mais desafiador.

Incapazes de competir com custos de produção consideravelmente mais baixos, muitos produtores europeus frearam a produção no ano passado, alguns em até 50pc. Segundo a Comissão Europeia, a indústria local viu a sua participação de mercado diminuir em 10pc durante o período.

A UE também está considerando estender o estatuto de isenção de tarifas de importação do Paquistão até 2027. O Paquistão emergiu recentemente como o principal fornecedor de etanol não-desnaturado ao bloco e, atualmente, se beneficia da isenção de impostos para as suas exportações de etanol.

Por Vinicius Damazio e Evelina Lungu


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Feedstock imports shake up US biofuel production

Feedstock imports shake up US biofuel production

New York, 24 July (Argus) — Waste from around the world is increasingly being diverted to the US for biofuel production, helping decarbonize hard-to-electrify sectors like trucking and aviation. But as refiners turn away from conventional crop-based feedstocks, farm groups fear missing out on the biofuels boom. Driven by low-carbon fuel standards (LCFS) in states like California, US renewable diesel production capacity has more than doubled over the last two years to hit a record high of 4.1bn USG/yr in April according to the Energy Information Administration. Soybean and canola processors have invested in expanding crush capacity, expecting future biofuels growth to lift vegetable oil demand. But policymakers' growing focus on carbon intensity, a departure from the long-running federal renewable fuel standard (RFS) that sets volume mandates for broad types of fuel, primarily benefits waste feedstocks, which generate larger LCFS credits because they are assessed as producing fewer emissions. Argonne National Laboratory's GREET emissions model, which has been modified by federal and California regulators for clean fuels programs, factors in emissions sources like fertilizers and diesel use on farms for virgin vegetable oils but not for used oils sourced from cooking operations. Refiners trying to maximize government subsidies are thus sourcing waste-based feedstocks from wherever they can find them. Through May this year, imports to the US under the tariff code that includes used cooking oil (UCO) and yellow grease rose 90pc from year-prior levels to more than 1.8bn lb (844,000t). While China represents most of that, sources are diverse, with significant sums coming from Canada, the UK, and Indonesia. Imports of inedible and technical tallow, waste beef fat that can be turned into biofuels, have also risen 50pc so far this year to 800,000lb on ample supply from Brazil. While soybean oil was responsible for nearly half of biomass-based diesel production in 2021, that share has declined to around a third over the first four months this year as imports surge (see graph). "Every pound of imported feedstock that comes in displaces one pound of domestically sourced soybean oil or five pounds of soybeans," said Kailee Tkacz Buller, chief executive of the National Oilseed Processors Association. Even as LCFS and RFS credit prices have fallen over the last year, hurting biofuel production margins and threatening capacity additions , imports have not slowed. Feedstock suppliers, many from countries with less mature biofuel incentives and limited biorefining capacity, might have few options domestically. And exporting to the US means they can avoid the EU's more prescriptive feedstock limits and mounting scrutiny of biofuel imports. More ambitious targets in future years, particularly for sustainable aviation fuel, "will create a lot of competition for UCO in the global market," said Jane O'Malley, a researcher at the International Council on Clean Transportation. But for now, "the US has created the most lucrative market for waste-based biofuel pathways." Incentives for US refiners to use waste-based feedstocks will only become stronger next year when expiring tax credits are replaced by the Inflation Reduction Act's 45Z credit, structured as a sliding scale so that fuels generate more of a subsidy as they produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions. While essentially all fuel will receive less of a benefit than in past years since the maximum credit is reserved for carbon-neutral fuels, the drop in benefits will be most pronounced for fuels from vegetable oils. Granted, President Joe Biden's administration wants the 45Z credit to account for the benefits of "climate-smart" agriculture, potentially helping close some of the assessed emissions gap between crop and waste feedstocks. But the administration's timeline for issuing guidance is unclear, leaving the market with little clarity about which practices farmers should start deploying and documenting. "While a tax credit can be retroactive, you can't retroactively farm," said Alexa Combelic, director of government affairs at the American Soybean Association. Squeaky wheel gets the soybean oil The concerns of agricultural groups have not gone unnoticed in Washington, DC, where lawmakers from both parties have recently called for higher biofuel blending obligations, prompt 45Z guidance, and more transparency around how federal agencies scrutinize UCO imports. There are also lobbying opportunities in California, where regulators are weighing LCFS updates ahead of a planned hearing in November. At minimum, agricultural groups are likely to continue pushing for more visibility into the UCO supply chain, which could take the form of upping already-burdensome recordkeeping requirements for clean fuels incentives and setting a larger role for auditors. Fraud would be hard to prove, but two external groups told Argus that the Biden administration has indicated that it is looking into UCO collection rates in some countries, which could at least point to potential discrepancies with expected supply. More muscular interventions, including trade disincentives, are also possible. Multiple farm associations, including corn interests frustrated that the country's first alcohol-to-jet facility is using Brazilian sugarcane ethanol , have asked the Biden administration to prevent fuels derived from foreign feedstocks from qualifying for 45Z. The possible return of former president Donald Trump to the White House next year would likely mean sharply higher tariffs on China too, potentially stemming the flow of feedstocks from that country — if not from the many others shipping waste-based feedstocks to the US. Protectionism has obvious risks, since leaving refiners with fewer feedstock options could jeopardize planned biofuel capacity additions that ultimately benefit farmers. But at least some US agriculture companies, insistent that they can sustainably increase feedstock production if incentives allow, see major changes to current policy as necessary. By Cole Martin Waste imports crowd out soybean oil Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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Bipartisan bill would extend blenders tax credit


Bipartisan bill would extend blenders tax credit

New York, 23 July (Argus) — A bipartisan group of lawmakers has proposed legislation to extend an expiring tax credit for biodiesel and renewable diesel that are blended into the US fuel supply. The bill, which was introduced by representative Mike Carey (R-Ohio) and is pending before the House of Representatives' Ways and Means Committee, would specifically extend a credit offering $1/USG for blenders of biomass-based diesel through 2025. The credit is otherwise set to expire at the end of this year and be replaced in January by the Inflation Reduction Act's 45Z credit, which will be more generous to fuels with lower carbon intensities. The text of the bill has not yet been released. But a draft version shared with Argus by an external group would restrict fuel that is "allowed" a credit under 45Z from also qualifying for the reinstated credit for blenders, a provision that seems to primarily benefit fuel imports. The expiring biodiesel credit allows fuel produced outside the US to qualify, since the credit is claimed by blenders instead of producers, while the new 45Z credit is specifically for refiners producing fuel in the US. The US administration's timeline for finalizing guidance around 45Z is unclear, to the frustration of biofuels groups that have warned that prolonged uncertainty could jeopardize planned investments aimed at boosting production and feedstock supply. An extension of the existing biodiesel credit could potentially provide more certainty to the biofuels supply chain. Fuel retailers that had previously warned that shifting the credit from blenders to producers will raise fuel prices for consumers, including the National Association of Truck Stop Owners and the Society of Independent Gasoline Marketers of America, commended Carey's proposal. But the tax credit extension would also upend other incentives driving biofuel production. The 45Z credit offers up to $1/USG for road fuels, but incentives are more generous the fewer greenhouse gas emissions a fuel produces, whereas the expiring credit does not adjust benefits based on carbon intensity. In addition, prolonging incentives to import fuels could hurt domestic producers and lead to wider biodiesel and renewable diesel availability, potentially weighing on prices of renewable identification number (RIN) credits that refiners submit to regulators to comply with the renewable fuel standard. Market participants have generally expected that prices for RINs, which also act as a source of revenue and incentive to produce low-carbon fuels, will rise next year to account for 45Z providing less of a subsidy than the expiring credit. Clean Fuels Alliance America, which represents biomass-based diesel and sustainable aviation fuel companies, declined to comment or take a position on the legislation. But the group said that it would continue advocating for President Joe Biden's administration to swiftly propose and finalize 45Z guidance. The bill currently has four sponsors, three Republicans and one Democrat, but it is tough to gauge how broad support for any credit extension would be within Congress. It is not uncommon for Congress to pass legislation near the end of the year extending or reinstating tax credits that would have otherwise expired, and various energy tax credits were extended in Congress' lame duck session after the 2020 presidential election. By Cole Martin Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.


US House passes waterways bill


US House passes waterways bill

Houston, 23 July (Argus) — The US House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved a bill on Monday authorizing the US Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) to tackle a dozen port, inland waterway and other water infrastructure projects. The Republican-led House voted 359-13 to pass the Waterways Resources Development Act (WRDA), which authorizes the Corps to proceed with plans to upgrade the Seagirt Loop Channel near Baltimore Harbor in Maryland. The bill also will enable the Corps to move forward with 160 feasibility studies, including a $314mn resiliency study of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, which connects ports along the Gulf of Mexico from St Marks, Florida, to Brownsville, Texas. Water project authorization bills typically are passed every two years and generally garner strong bipartisan support because they affect numerous congressional districts. The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee unanimously passed its own version of the bill on 22 May. That bill does not include an adjustment to the cost-sharing structure for lock and dam construction and other rehabilitation projects. The Senate's version is expected to reach the floor before 2 August, before lawmakers break for their August recess. The Senate is not scheduled to reconvene until 9 September. If the Senate does not pass an identical version of the bill, lawmakers will have to meet in a conference committee to work out the differences. WRDA is "our legislative commitment to investing in and protecting our communities from flooding and droughts, restoring our environment and ecosystems and keeping our nation's competitiveness by supporting out ports and harbors", representative Grace Napolitano (D-California) said. By Meghan Yoyotte Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.


US House to vote on waterways bill


US House to vote on waterways bill

Houston, 22 July (Argus) — The US House of Representatives is expected to vote on 22 July on a waterways bill that would authorize new infrastructure projects across ports and rivers. The Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) is renewed typically every two years to authorize projects for the US Army Corps of Engineers (Corps). The bipartisan bill is sponsored by representative Rick Larsen (D-Washington) and committee chairman Sam Graves (R-Missouri). The full committee markup occurred 26 June, where amendments were added, and the bill was passed to the full House . A conference committee will need to be called to resolve the different versions of the bill. The major difference between the bills is that the House bill does not include an adjustment to the cost-sharing structure for the lock and dam construction and other rehabilitation projects. The Senate Committee on Environment Public Works passed its own version of the bill on 22 May, with all members in favor of the bill. The House version of the bill approves modifications to the Seagirt Loop Channel near the Baltimore Harbor in Maryland, along with 11 other projects and 160 feasibility studies. One of these studies is a $314.25mn resiliency study of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, which connects ports along the Gulf of Mexico from St Marks, Florida, to Brownsville, Texas. By Meghan Yoyotte Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.


UK confirms SAF mandate from 2025


UK confirms SAF mandate from 2025

London, 22 July (Argus) — The UK government officially confirmed today that subject to parliamentary approval it will introduce a 2pc sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) mandate to start from 1 January 2025. Obligated suppliers will have to deliver a 2pc share of SAF in 2025, increasing to 10pc in 2030, 15pc in 2035 and 22pc in 2040. The obligation will remain at 22pc from 2040 "until there is greater certainty regarding SAF supply", the government said. Hydrotreated esters and fatty acids (HEFA) SAF can be used to meet 100pc of SAF demand in 2025 and 2026, but it will be capped at 71pc in 2030 and 35pc in 2040. HEFA is the most common type of SAF today, and is expected to account for over 70pc of global production by the end of the decade, according to Argus data. An obligation for Power-to-Liquid (PtL) SAF will be introduced from 2028 at 0.2pc of total jet fuel demand, rising to 0.5pc in 2030 and 3.5pc in 2040. The EU is targeting a 1.2pc share of synthetic aviation fuels in 2030, rising to 2pc in 2032, 5pc in 2035 and 35pc in 2050. Buy-out mechanisms will be set at the equivalent of £4.70/l and £5.00/l for the main and PtL obligations, respectively. The government said it will work to create feedstock availability and ensure it is used in a sustainable and productive way. UK also confirmed on 17 July that it will introduce the Sustainable Aviation Fuel (Revenue Support Mechanism) bill to support SAF production. It said it estimates that SAF production will add £1.8bn ($2.3bn) to the economy and create over 10,000 jobs. The government previously said it aims to introduce the mechanism, which will be industry funded, by the end of 2026 . An EU-wide SAF mandate — ReFuelEU — comes into effect next year, replacing national obligations. Under the mandate, fuel suppliers will need to include 2pc SAF in their jet fuel deliveries in 2025, rising to 6pc in 2030, 20pc in 2035, 34pc in 2040, 42pc in 2045 and 70pc in 2050. Jet fuel demand in the EU was around 950,000 b/d last year, Energy Institute data show, meaning that SAF requirements next year could be nearly 20,000 b/d. In the longer term, EU and UK mandates could push SAF consumption in Europe to nearly 20pc of total aviation fuel consumption by 2035 and 60pc by 2050, figures from Argus Consulting show. Globally, SAF will make up nearly 4pc of total jet fuel consumption globally by 2035, and 12.5pc by 2050. By Evelina Lungu Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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