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Combustível do Futuro deve avançar rápido, diz Abicom

  • Market: Biofuels, Natural gas
  • 27/02/24

A Câmara dos Deputados deve aprovar rapidamente o projeto de lei (PL) Combustível do Futuro, disse o presidente da Associação Brasileira de Importadores de Combustíveis (Abicom), Sérgio Araújo, à Argus.

Nesta segunda-feira, o deputado federal Arnaldo Jardim (Cidadania-SP), relator do projeto, apresentou um relatório com mudanças no texto original.

"A demora excessiva para soltar o relatório me faz acreditar que ele [Jardim] já tenha divulgado um relatório costurado e amarrado com os principais decisores – incluindo os ministérios de Minas e Energia e da Agricultura", contou Araújo, acrescentando que o deputado é muito influente no Congresso.

Recentemente, o Combustível do Futuro também foi apensado a um projeto semelhante de autoria do deputado Alceu Moreira, que corre em caráter emergencial e pode facilitar a tramitação do pacote verde.

"Acho que o relatório está pronto para ser votado, principalmente na Câmara, e ser aprovado rapidamente", disse o presidente da Abicom à Argus.

O texto precisa ser aprovado pelas duas casas do Congresso e sancionado pelo presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva para ser transformado em lei. Mas é provável que o PL enfrente um debate maior no Senado, Araújo afirmou.

A aceitação do relatório não é unânime no setor de combustíveis fósseis, já que que os principais consumidores de diesel, como a Confederação Nacional do Transporte (CNT) e a Associação Nacional dos Fabricantes de Veículos Automotores (Anfavea), não estão satisfeitos com a adição do aumento do mandato de mistura do biodiesel na revisão proposta por Jardim, apontou Araújo.

"Deve acontecer uma reação bem forte dos principais consumidores, como as distribuidoras", ele acrescentou.

A última versão do projeto inclui o biodiesel no escopo e estabelece um cronograma de elevação anual do percentual de adição obrigatória no período de 2025 a 2030, de modo a chegar em 20pc e subir para 25pc a partir de 2031. Atualmente, a mescla do biocombustível no diesel está em 12pc.

O texto revisado também propõe a instituição do Programa Nacional do Biometano e abre espaço para elevar o percentual obrigatório do etanol anidro na gasolina dos atuais 27,5pc para 35pc, após testes de viabilidade técnica.

O governo Lula apresentou o PL pela primeira vez em setembro, como parte de esforços de transição energética para expandir o uso de combustíveis renováveis e reduzir emissões.


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Eni confident on 2024 output, but Libya project slips

Eni confident on 2024 output, but Libya project slips

London, 26 July (Argus) — Executives at Italy's Eni are confident it will achieve the upper end of its 1.69mn-1.71mn production guidance for this year, but start-up of a key Libyan project is set to slip from 2026 into 2027. In a presentation of second-quarter earnings today, A&E Structure was one of two Libyan projects on a list of Eni's upcoming start-ups through to 2028 that will deliver some 740,000 b/d of oil equivalent (boe/d) of net production to the company. A&E Structure is a 160,000 boe/d gas development that will include some 40,000 b/d of liquids production, mainly condensate. A&E Structure is central to Libya's ability to sustain gas exports to Italy, which have dropped in recent years on a combination of rising domestic consumption and falling production. Supplies through the 775mn ft³/d Greenstream pipeline hit their lowest since the 2011 revolution in 2023, averaging 250mn ft³/d. The slide has continued since, with year-to-date volumes of around 160mn ft³/d on track for a record low. Eni's other upcoming Libyan project — the Bouri Gas Utilisation Project development that aims to capture 85mn ft³/d of gas at the 25,000 b/d offshore Bouri oil field — had already been pushed back from 2025 to 2026. For 2024 Eni expects to be "at the upper boundary of its guidance", according to chief operating officer of Natural Resources Guido Brusco. The company had a strong first half, during which output was 1.73mn boe/d — 5pc up on the year — thanks to good performance at assets in Ivory Coast, Indonesia, Congo (Brazzaville) and Libya. Brusco said Eni is in the process of starting up its 30,000 boe/d Cassiopea gas project in Italy, with first production expected next month, and the 45,000 b/d second phase of the Baleine oil project in Ivory Coast is expected to start by the end of this year. At Baleine, Brusco confirmed the two vessels to be used at phase two "will be in country in September and, building on the experience of phase one, we expect a couple of months of final integrated commissioning" before first oil. Eni also said today it would raise its dividend for 2024 by 6pc over 2023 to €1/share, and confirmed share repurchases this year of €1.6bn. It said there is potential for an additional buyback of up to €500mn, which is being evaluated this quarter. Eni's debt gearing is scheduled to fall below 20pc by the end of the year. Chief financial officer Francesco Gattei said these accelerated share buybacks would be possible if divestment deals are confirmed. By Jon Mainwaring and Aydin Calik Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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Australia’s Ichthys LNG to restart liquefaction train


Australia’s Ichthys LNG to restart liquefaction train

Singapore, 26 July (Argus) — The second liquefaction train at Australia's 9.3mn t/yr Ichthys LNG export terminal plans to resume partial operations today, after going off line unexpectedly during 18-19 July, according to traders. The export facility is operated by Japanese upstream firm Inpex. Repairs at the affected train could take up to a month before it returns to full production, although the train is expected to restart by this weekend, according to market participants. Attempts to restart train two could take place by 26 July. Some delays to deliveries from the facility are expected, although there are also unconfirmed reports that up to two cargoes may have already been cancelled at the time of writing. The overall impact on the market is likely to be limited for now, with continuing weak spot demand from northeast Asian importers. Some term buyers previously requested for their deliveries to be deferred, traders said, although it is unclear just how many requests for deferment were received. But other participants have pointed out that the winter restocking season could soon start and any further impediments to train two's restart could lift prices. Recent temperatures in Japan have been higher than expected, with at least a 70pc probability of above-normal temperatures over the vast majority of the country until 23 August, according to the latest forecast issued by the Japan Meteorological Agency on 25 July. At least one Japanese utility may be considering spot purchases for August, owing to higher-than-expected power consumption because of warmer temperatures. But at least two other Japanese firms could be looking to sell a September and an October cargo each, traders said, which could indicate that the spot market is still sufficiently well-supplied to cope with additional demand from Japanese utilities. The 174,000m³ Grace Freesia departed from Ichthys on 25 July after loading an LNG cargo, according to ship tracking data from Kpler. The export terminal sold a spot cargo for loading over 2-6 June at around high-$9s/mn Btu through a tender that closed on 10 May, but further details are unclear. The US' 17.3mn t/yr Freeport export terminal also faced issues restarting since it was first taken off line on 7 July as a precautionary measure against Hurricane Beryl. The terminal loaded its first cargo on 21 July . All three trains are likely to be back on line as of 26 July, although production at the facility should still be closely monitored, traders said. By Naomi Ong Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.


Australia’s Empire Energy signs deal to sell gas to NT


Australia’s Empire Energy signs deal to sell gas to NT

Adelaide, 26 July (Argus) — Australian independent Empire Energy has signed an agreement to supply the Northern Territory (NT) with gas from its Carpentaria project in the onshore Beetaloo subbasin. Empire will supply NT with up to 25 TJ/d (668,000 m³/d) of gas over 10 years, starting from mid-2025. This equates to an estimated total supply of 75PJ (2bn m3) of gas. The deal includes scope for an additional 10 TJ/d for up to 10 years if production level at the Carpentaria plant exceeds 100 TJ/d. The firm bought domestic utility AGL Energy's dormant 42 TJ/d Rosalind Park gas plant late last yearwith plans to reassemble the facility on site at Carpentaria, subject to a final investment decision on the project. Gas will be delivered to the NT government-owned Power and Water (PWC) via the McArthur River gas pipeline on an ex-field take-or-pay basis, Empire said on 26 July. PWC in April signed an agreement to buy 8.6PJ of gas from Australian independent Central Petroleum , to supply gas-fired power generation and private-sector customers. Low production at Italian energy firm Eni's Blacktip field, offshore the NT, has led PWC to court new supply while providing a new outlet for prospective producers operating within Beetaloo. The largest Beetaloo acreage holder, Tamboran Resources, has revealed ambitious plans for a 6.6mn t/yr LNG plant to be located near Darwin Harbour's two existing LNG projects, using the basin's shale gas resources as feedstock. By Tom Major Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.


Refining, LNG segments take Total’s profit lower in 2Q


Refining, LNG segments take Total’s profit lower in 2Q

London, 25 July (Argus) — TotalEnergies said today that a worsening performance at its downstream Refining & Chemicals business and its Integrated LNG segment led to a 7pc year-on-year decline in profit in the second quarter. Profit of $3.79bn was down from $5.72bn for the January-March quarter and from $4.09bn in the second quarter of 2023. When adjusted for inventory effects and special items, profit was $4.67bn — slightly lower than analysts had been expecting and 6pc down on the immediately preceding quarter. The biggest hit to profits was at the Refining & Chemicals segment, which reported an adjusted operating profit of $639mn for the April-June period, a 36pc fall on the year. Earlier in July, TotalEnergies had flagged lower refining margins in Europe and the Middle East, with its European Refining Margin Marker down by 37pc to $44.9/t compared with the first quarter. This margin decline was partially compensated for by an increase in its refineries' utilisation rate: to 84pc in April-June from 79pc in the first quarter. The company's Integrated LNG business saw a 13pc year on year decline in its adjusted operating profit, to $1.15bn. TotalEnergies cited lower LNG prices and sales, and said its gas trading operation "did not fully benefit in markets characterised by lower volatility than during the first half of 2023." A bright spot was the Exploration & Production business, where adjusted operating profit rose by 14pc on the year to $2.67bn. This was mainly driven by higher oil prices, which were partially offset by lower gas realisations and production. The company's second-quarter production averaged 2.44mn b/d of oil equivalent (boe/d), down by 1pc from 2.46mn boe/d reported for the January-March period and from the 2.47mn boe/d average in the second quarter of 2023. TotalEnergies attributed the quarter-on-quarter decline to a greater level of planned maintenance, particularly in the North Sea. But it said its underlying production — excluding the Canadian oil sands assets it sold last year — was up by 3pc on the year. This was largely thanks to the start up and ramp up of projects including Mero 2 offshore Brazil, Block 10 in Oman, Tommeliten Alpha and Eldfisk North in Norway, Akpo West in Nigeria and Absheron in Azerbaijan. TotalEnergies said production also benefited from its entry into the producing fields Ratawi, in Iraq, and Dorado in the US. The company expects production in a 2.4mn-2.45mn boe/d range in the third quarter, when its Anchor project in the US Gulf of Mexico is expected to start up. The company increased profit at its Integrated Power segment, which contains its renewables and gas-fired power operations. Adjusted operating profit rose by 12pc year-on-year to $502mn and net power production rose by 10pc to 9.1TWh. TotalEnergies' cash flow from operations, excluding working capital, was $7.78bn in April-June — an 8pc fall from a year earlier. The company has maintained its second interim dividend for 2024 at €0.79/share and plans to buy back up to $2bn of its shares in the third quarter, in line with its repurchases in previous quarters. By Jon Mainwaring Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.


Feedstock imports shake up US biofuel production


Feedstock imports shake up US biofuel production

New York, 24 July (Argus) — Waste from around the world is increasingly being diverted to the US for biofuel production, helping decarbonize hard-to-electrify sectors like trucking and aviation. But as refiners turn away from conventional crop-based feedstocks, farm groups fear missing out on the biofuels boom. Driven by low-carbon fuel standards (LCFS) in states like California, US renewable diesel production capacity has more than doubled over the last two years to hit a record high of 4.1bn USG/yr in April according to the Energy Information Administration. Soybean and canola processors have invested in expanding crush capacity, expecting future biofuels growth to lift vegetable oil demand. But policymakers' growing focus on carbon intensity, a departure from the long-running federal renewable fuel standard (RFS) that sets volume mandates for broad types of fuel, primarily benefits waste feedstocks, which generate larger LCFS credits because they are assessed as producing fewer emissions. Argonne National Laboratory's GREET emissions model, which has been modified by federal and California regulators for clean fuels programs, factors in emissions sources like fertilizers and diesel use on farms for virgin vegetable oils but not for used oils sourced from cooking operations. Refiners trying to maximize government subsidies are thus sourcing waste-based feedstocks from wherever they can find them. Through May this year, imports to the US under the tariff code that includes used cooking oil (UCO) and yellow grease rose 90pc from year-prior levels to more than 1.8bn lb (844,000t). While China represents most of that, sources are diverse, with significant sums coming from Canada, the UK, and Indonesia. Imports of inedible and technical tallow, waste beef fat that can be turned into biofuels, have also risen 50pc so far this year to 800,000lb on ample supply from Brazil. While soybean oil was responsible for nearly half of biomass-based diesel production in 2021, that share has declined to around a third over the first four months this year as imports surge (see graph). "Every pound of imported feedstock that comes in displaces one pound of domestically sourced soybean oil or five pounds of soybeans," said Kailee Tkacz Buller, chief executive of the National Oilseed Processors Association. Even as LCFS and RFS credit prices have fallen over the last year, hurting biofuel production margins and threatening capacity additions , imports have not slowed. Feedstock suppliers, many from countries with less mature biofuel incentives and limited biorefining capacity, might have few options domestically. And exporting to the US means they can avoid the EU's more prescriptive feedstock limits and mounting scrutiny of biofuel imports. More ambitious targets in future years, particularly for sustainable aviation fuel, "will create a lot of competition for UCO in the global market," said Jane O'Malley, a researcher at the International Council on Clean Transportation. But for now, "the US has created the most lucrative market for waste-based biofuel pathways." Incentives for US refiners to use waste-based feedstocks will only become stronger next year when expiring tax credits are replaced by the Inflation Reduction Act's 45Z credit, structured as a sliding scale so that fuels generate more of a subsidy as they produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions. While essentially all fuel will receive less of a benefit than in past years since the maximum credit is reserved for carbon-neutral fuels, the drop in benefits will be most pronounced for fuels from vegetable oils. Granted, President Joe Biden's administration wants the 45Z credit to account for the benefits of "climate-smart" agriculture, potentially helping close some of the assessed emissions gap between crop and waste feedstocks. But the administration's timeline for issuing guidance is unclear, leaving the market with little clarity about which practices farmers should start deploying and documenting. "While a tax credit can be retroactive, you can't retroactively farm," said Alexa Combelic, director of government affairs at the American Soybean Association. Squeaky wheel gets the soybean oil The concerns of agricultural groups have not gone unnoticed in Washington, DC, where lawmakers from both parties have recently called for higher biofuel blending obligations, prompt 45Z guidance, and more transparency around how federal agencies scrutinize UCO imports. There are also lobbying opportunities in California, where regulators are weighing LCFS updates ahead of a planned hearing in November. At minimum, agricultural groups are likely to continue pushing for more visibility into the UCO supply chain, which could take the form of upping already-burdensome recordkeeping requirements for clean fuels incentives and setting a larger role for auditors. Fraud would be hard to prove, but two external groups told Argus that the Biden administration has indicated that it is looking into UCO collection rates in some countries, which could at least point to potential discrepancies with expected supply. More muscular interventions, including trade disincentives, are also possible. Multiple farm associations, including corn interests frustrated that the country's first alcohol-to-jet facility is using Brazilian sugarcane ethanol , have asked the Biden administration to prevent fuels derived from foreign feedstocks from qualifying for 45Z. The possible return of former president Donald Trump to the White House next year would likely mean sharply higher tariffs on China too, potentially stemming the flow of feedstocks from that country — if not from the many others shipping waste-based feedstocks to the US. Protectionism has obvious risks, since leaving refiners with fewer feedstock options could jeopardize planned biofuel capacity additions that ultimately benefit farmers. But at least some US agriculture companies, insistent that they can sustainably increase feedstock production if incentives allow, see major changes to current policy as necessary. By Cole Martin Waste imports crowd out soybean oil Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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